ArtWalk at Liberty Station August 10 & 11, 2019
ArtWalk at Liberty Station August 11 & 12, 2018
Front Porch Gallery Second Act Show Juried Open Competition May 20 - June 7, 2018
Regina Cole Art Space ONE WOMAN SHOW April 24 - May 31, 2017
Carlsbad Dove Art Space ONE WOMAN SHOW September 15 - October 17, 2016
ArtWalk at Liberty Station August 13 & 14, 2016
Inspirations Gallery Art from Elsewhere Show July 31 - November 1, 2016
Inspirations Gallery Creative Use of Text Show January 5 - March 8, 2016
Inspirations Gallery The Colors Blue Show November 5, 2015 - January 12, 2016
ArtWalk at Liberty Station August 15 & 16, 2016
La Jolla Historical Society Secret Garden Tour May 2015 Invitational Demonstrating Artist
Inspirations Gallery . Invitational Artistic Melodies May 1, - July 26, 2015
Inspirations Gallery Invitational February 6 - April 28, 2015
ArtWalk at Liberty Station August 16 & 17, 2015
Wall Street Art & Frame Invitational June 1 - June 27, 2014
ArtWalk at Liberty Station August 24 & 25, 2013
Florence Riford Gallery at the La Jolla Library May 22 - June 18, 2013 Invitational 3 paintings
La Jolla Historical Society Secret Garden Tour May 2013 Invitational Demonstrating Artist
Wisteria Cottage Secret Garden Invitational 4 paintings June 7 - July 17, 2012
La Jolla Historical Society Secret Garden Tour May 2012 Invitational Demonstrating Artist
Lynx Performance Theatre 2 person exhibit July 30 - August 6, 2011
Wisteria Cottage Secret Garden Invitational 2 paintings June 2 - June 30, 2011
La Jolla Historical Society Secret Garden Tour May 2011 Invitational Demonstrating Artist
Front Porch Gallery Juried Open Competition 2 paintings March - May 2011
Gallery 21 aaaSD Member Show February - March 2011
San Diego Museum of Art Artist's Guild Show, "Coastal Explosion, The California Style" 2 paintings January 14 - February 28, 2011
Wisteria Cottage Secret Garden Invitational 2 paintings August 10 - October 10, 2010
New America Museum Collected Stories Show August 6 - August 22, 2010
Riford Center Gallery Allied Artist's Association of San Diego 4 paintings August 1 - October 1, 2010
Art & Elegance Invitational July 23, 2010 20+ paintings and demonstations
San Diego County Fair Fine Art Show June - July 2010 Juried 5 paintings FIRST PRIZE and PEOPLE'S CHOICE awards
Riford Gallery June & July 2010 5 paintings
La Jolla Historical Society Secret Garden Tour May 2010 Invitational Demonstrating Artist
Gallery 21 April -May 2010
ArtWalk San Diego April 2010
Lyceum Theater Gallery March - April 2010 Many Artists, One Passion Show
Bonita Museum March - April, 2010 Larry Baza, Juror Bonita Museum Annual Fine Art Open
Bonita Museum October - November 2009 Jeff Yeomans, Juror 2 paintings C.V. Art Guild Open
La Jolla Library Gallery September 2009 Julie Weaverling, Juror 2ND PLACE cash award
Riverside Museum of Art July - August 2009
La Jolla Art Association Gallery July 2009 6 person show
La Jolla Historical Society Secret Garden Tour May 2009 Invitational Demonstrating Artist
ArtWalk San Diego April 2009
La Jolla Art Association Gallery March 2009
Mission Trails Gallery February - March 2009 TWO PERSON SHOW
La Jolla Athenaeum November - January 2009
Cygnet Theatre November - December 2009 ONE WOMAN SHOW
San Diego Art Institute October - November 2008 Kevin D. Freitas, Juror
Federal Building Lobby Gallery September - October 2008 5 paintings
Rosemary Lane Galleria August - September 2008
Bonita Museum August - September 2008 2 paintings Derrick Cartright, Juror
Front Porch Gallery July-September 2008 Captivating California Plein Air Invitational 4 paintings
Merrill Lynch Lobby Gallery August, September 2008
La Jolla Historical Society June 2008 Secret Garden Poster Image Award for 2009
Florence Riford Gallery June 2008
Riverside Museum of Art May - July 2008 awarded HONORABLE MENTION
La Jolla Historical Society Secret Garden Tour Invitational May 2008
ArtWalk San Diego April 2008
Bonita Museum March - April 2008 2 paintings Julie Weaverling, Juror
San Diego Art Institute February - March 2008 Sean Sullivan, Juror
Front Porch Gallery January - March 2008 Invitational Juried
San Diego Art Institute January - February 2008 Manuelita Brown, Juror
La Jolla Athenaeum Rotunda Gallery January - February 2008 Juried
Hyatt-Aventine Amadeus Gala January 2008 Juried
Poway Center for the Performing Arts January 2008 LJ AA 90th Anniversary Show
Presidio Sentinel October 2007 Publication Cover Award
Del Mar Taste & Stroll Art Fair October 2007
Rancho Santa Fe Art Fair September 2007
San Diego Art InstituteSeptember-October 2007 Juror, Ann Brechtold
Rosemary Lane Galleria San Diego Museum of Art Artist's Guild Show August - September 2007
San Diego Art Institute Contemporary Scroll Betty-Sue Hertz, Juror August - September 2007
La Jolla Athenaeum Gallery Invitational June - July 2007
Riverside Museum of Art June - July 2007
Poway Center for Perfoming Arts June 2007 San Diego Portrait Society Show
La Jolla HIstorical Society Secret Garden Tour Invitational May 2007
ArtWalk April 2007
Grossmont/Mt. Helix Garden & Art Tour April 2007
DelMar Artist's Space Gallery 11 Mosaic Series Paintings April - August 2007
San Diego Art Institute March - April 2007 Juror, Jeanne Dunn
Riverside Museum of Art March 2007 2 paintings Juried
San Diego Art Institute February - March 2007 2 paintings Juror, Perry Vasquez
San Diego Art Institute January - February 2007 Juror, Robert Matheny
Village Gallery "Top Producers" Invitational December 2006
Oceanside Museum of Art OMA School Gallery Invitational November - December 2006
Tutto Mare October 2006
The La Jolla Athenaeum September -October 2006 Invitational
Village Gallery August - September 2006
Presidio Sentinel Publication Cover Award August 2006
Riverside Museum of Art July - August 2006
La Jolla Historical Society July 2006 Secret Garden Poster Image Award for 2007
Federal Building Lobby Gallery July - August 2006
Darlington House July 2006
M & T April - July 2006
ArtWALK San Diego April 29 & 30, 2006
San Diego Art Insitute March - April 2006 Juror, Jeff Irwin
Riverside Museum of Art March 2006 3 paintings Juried
First National Bank Lobby Gallery January - March 2006
Spa Velia Window Gallery January - March 2006
San Diego Art Institute Juror, Peter Mitten December 2005 - January 2006
Lyceum Theater Gallery Juried by Theater Management November - January 2006
Art Institute of California November 2005
The Athenaeum La Jolla Invitational November 2005
Wyndham Hotel Lobby Gallery August - December 2005
First National Bank Building Lobby Gallery October 2005 - January 2006
Solana Beach Library ONE WOMAN SHOW October and November 2005
Federal Building Lobby Gallery September - November 2005
The Village Gallery August - September 2005
Gallery 21 Invitational August 2005
Anthony's Star of the Sea July - September 2005
Merrill Lynch Building (aka 701 B St.) Lobby Gallery Two Person Show July - August 2005
Museum of the Living Artist at the San Diego Art Insitute Juror Chrisopher Lee June - July 2005
First National Bank Building Lobby Gallery Two Person Show June - July 2005
BAE Systems Artist's Gallery June - September 2005
La Jolla Historical Society Secret Garden Tour Invitational May 21, 2005
Bard Hall Gallery "Patterns of Nature" Two Person Show April 1- May 2, 2005
UCSD Faculty Club Gallery "Wonder of Fine Art Show" Juried March - May 2005
The Museum of the Living Artist at the San Diego Art Institute Juried March - April 2005
BAE Gallery March - June 2005
Village Gallery "As Time Goes By Show" February - March 2005
La Jolla Art Association Gallery 7 Person Show January 2005
BAE Gallery December 2004 - March 2005
Salon Bella One Woman Show September 14 - November 28, 2004
San Diego Art Institute Juror, Elissa Lieberman September - October 2004
BAE Gallery September - December 2004
Athenaeum "San Diego Past and Present Show" September 2004
La Jolla Art Association Gallery "Members Show" September 2004
Riford Gallery in the La Jolla Library *All Around San Diego Show" September 2004
Escondido Municipal Gallery "Small Images Show" Juror, Martha Matthews July - Sept 2004
Darlington House Invitational July 2004
Escondido Municipal Gallery "Getting There Show" Juror, Rachel Teagle June - July 2004
La Jolla Historical Society Secret Garden Invitational May 22, 2004
BAE Gallery May 2004 - August 2004
La Jolla Art Association Gallery 4 Person Show April - May 2004
Escondido Municipal Gallery "Black & White Show" Juror, YC Park Kim March - April 2004
The Escondido Municipal Gallery "Figure That Show" Juror, Ernest Silva February - March 2004
BAE Gallery January 2004 - May 2004
San Diego Art Institute "One Foot Show" Juror, Reed Cardwell January 2004
Escondido Municipal Gallery "Escondido Arts Partnership Artists Show" January 2004
La Jolla Art Association Gallery "New Members Show" December 2003
Escondido Municipal Gallery "Summation - Best of 2003" Juror, Pasha Turley November 2003
La Jolla Art Association (Membership Invitation - Juried) September 2003
San Diego Art Institute "One Foot Show" Juror, Angel Adame September 2003
Escondido Municipal Gallery "Local Color Show" Juror, Dorothy Annette August 2003
Escondido Municipal Gallery "It's a Zoo Out There" Juror, Stephanie Hanor July 2003
Athenaeum Invitational July 2003
La Jolla Historical Society Secret Garden Invitational May 2003
San Diego Art Institute Regional Show Juror, Gail Roberts April 2003
San Diego Museum of Art Artist's Guild Juried Membership 2002
Arts in Concert Invitational)November 2002
Darlington House Invitational June 2002
Athenaeum Invitational May 2002
Galleria Jan Oil Painting 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
Alpine Glass Wood and Glass 1994-2002
L'Cirque de Arte Juried May 2002
La Jolla Historical Society Home & Garden Invitational April 2002
The Athenaeum Invitational May 2001
La Jolla Historical Society Home & Garden Invitational April 2001
Basel Art Fair, "Art Contrast" 7 Abstract Oil Paintings Accepted by Jury Switzerland 2000
CalFed One Woman Show - Oil Painting - La Jolla Wall Street, La Jolla, California All Year 2000
Galleria Jan ONE WOMAN SHOW - Oil Painting 1999
Janina's Posh Pieces Oil Painting, Wood San Diego, California 1995, 1996, 1997
Bravo Galllery Oil Painting San Diego, California 1994, 1995
City of Laguna Beach, California - Artist's Registry (Juried) August 1993
DelMar Exposition, Design in Wood Show Juried - HONORABLE MENTION DelMar, California 1993
Cut & Dried Hardwood Show Solana Beach, California 1992
Art Ways Gallery Oil Painting San Diego, California 1985-1992
The San Diego Art Institute Juried - Oil Painting San Diego, California 1990
Sony Corporation Supergraphics Bldg #4 Rancho Bernardo, California Commission Installed 1978
DelMar Exposition Juried - Oil Painting DelMar, California 1973, 1974
Oglebay Institute Juried - Oil Painting Wheeling, West Virginia 1971
West Liberty State College ONE WOMAN SHOW - Painting Wheeling, West Virginia 1970
Ogelbay Institute Upper Ohio Valley Juried - FIRST PLACE OIL PAINTING Wheeling, W. Virginia 1967
Ohio Univeristy's Sigfreid Gallery Juried - Painting and Drawing Athens, Ohio 1965, 1966
Lisner Auditorium Wood Washington, D.C. 1964
George Washingrton University Wood Washington, D.C. 1964
GWHS student of Thomas Downing, Washington Color School
BFA Ohio University cum laude with Special Honors in Painting

Major: Painting Minor: Art History
Continued with MFA work at Ohio University
Various Art Studies at: George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
University of California at San Diego
Scottsdale Artist's School - Scottsdale, Arizona
Watts Atelier, Encinitas, California
Classes and Workshops with:
Jeffery Watts
Carolyn Anderson
Stan Prokopenko
Harvey Dinnerstein
Lucas Graciano
Meadow Gist
Robert Watts
The artist owns, retains, and enforces all copyrights to work exhibited on this site.